What is Cross-Channel Marketing for you?
Is it bringing Search and Social together for example? Is it bringing all online channels together? Is it bringing online and offline together? …or is it spreading the brand or performance message in an 1:1 communication out?
What is the benefit of Cross-Channel Marketing?
Cross-Channel Marketing is complex, needs time and the right person or team with the right mindset. Is this to complex and cost intensive? Where do you see the best uplift for you? Are you doing Cross-Channel Marketing today and what are your outcomes?
Always changing…
Combining two online channels like Search and Social was the first step. The challenge Therefore to combine all online channels and integrate this into the global marketing / CRM strategy. This is the direction the market and marketers are changing to.
…feel free to take this to consider about writing a comment or an entire article. I’m happy to read what your thinking and vision is.