This is e-mail, display, social, mobile, content, advertising, online. offline,… marketing. Just nonsense, we should have only one channel… the customer!
Customer Experience vs Customer’s Experience… a huge different. A brand shouldn’t work on to place his vision as an experience into the customer. The customer has an interest, need and/or pain. He doesn’t cares about the channel, he is just using channels at different times in different ways. Much of the use is coincidence.
Let’s differentiate between channels and tools.
Are channels, as we use the wording today, nonsense? Yes and no. Channel like we use it today are just the way to transport things. Let’s have only one focus, the customer. Everything which we name today as a channels are just tools. Tools can be operated by an back-office. There is no need for a marketing manager.
If we think as a customer we have just 3 channels (1) Information, (2) Support and (3) Buy.
Think about this… Think about what this means for (your) marketing work. After this switch you don’t focus on tooling any more, you have more time for other things like listen, understand and predict the next interest, need and/or pain of your customer. You can focus more on empathize into the customer.
This is a mindset shift. We have more time walking as a customer and see what’s stopping him processing with us. We can eliminate barriers and be just there at the right time and place if needed. We have time to generate market awareness to build holistic interests and get attention to step into the customer’s journey (not the customer journey) and learn from him.