Customer Experience (CX) is one of the top buzz words these days. It is changing the roles in the role game. The customer is leading. Companies needs to be customer centric and build a great Customer Experience, otherwise they will fail.
But how to build such a Customer Experience? What are the elements of it? Here is my definition:
Customer Experience = Value + Emotion + Adventure
Value and Emotion are the key players, Adventure is the add-on. So let’s have a look into these 3 elements…
Value – To make a decision, doesn’t matter if it’s for buying or something else, we need to have a pain and there must be something which can solve this pain. It’s also possible to create an value without a pain, but in most cases the pain still exist on a small level and is napping in our unconscious.
Emotion – Often our decisions are not rational driven… Just let’s have a look at the iPhone, everyone want’s it but it is not for everyone the best choice. Emotional we are solving different needs. Schopenhauer 1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Schopenhauer said: “A person can do what he wants, but not wants what he will”. Around 75% of our decisions are taken unconscious. To build the right Customer Experience we need understand this unconscious. To make it easier there are several models like the Myers-Brigges Type Indicator or the Limbic ® Types available. More about this you can read in my other post “The Evolution of Marketing in Times of #CX & Digital Transformation“.
Adventure – An adventure is something big and it’s exciting. It makes the value bigger and the emotion more powerful. An adventure is a story, a picture and not just a topic… it’s great and brings our attention to it. An adventure makes us part of the story and the game…. or just the situation, so it triggers our activity.
Coming back to the importance of these 3 elements let’s assume Value is 40%, Emotion 40% and Adventure 20%. This brings us to…
80% are the key elements and 20% the add-on. 80% is what our competitors are doing, if they are good. The 20% we can use to lead our market and our customer.