The Real-Time and Predictive Commerce Playbook for CMOs
The next generation of winning shopper experiences starts with personalization and predictive engagement. Read more to learn how your business can fuel its digital transformation.
The next generation of winning shopper experiences starts with personalization and predictive engagement. Read more to learn how your business can fuel its digital transformation.
I wrote much about vision, mission, values and strategy. The real transformation starts in many (smaller or bigger) projects. If we know what we want from a business point of view it’s time to start the transfer / implementation. Here it starts with thinking about data. Data about user and getting knowledge out of them are essential for every business in future.
Marketing is the new sales and data the new marketing! …but webanalytics vendors like, Google Analytics, IBM, Adobe, Webtrends, Webtrekk or others need to reshape their product. The future of marketing is data driven and combines more then online data. Webanalytics like we know it today will die and will be integrated or taken over […]